Help is at Hand

There are snakes and there are ladders in this game. That’s the lay of the land. You’re not necessarily doing something wrong if you land on a snake - these things happen. If you ALWAYS land on snakes, then the game is rigged.

Practical support in such a circumstance would be to get your wiser self to lend a hand. That wisdom - o - you can show you what’s going on or even fix it for you. Do these obstacle tactics as starters:

* ask for dreams that show you what’s going on.

  • Steps: write down the question,

  • look at it before you fall asleep,

  • dream,

  • grab a pen in the morning while you’re just waking up and write whatever madness might pour out of you

* follow whatever catches your eye. Yes that’s what I said. This pushes you into more diffuse thinking where a lot of connections are made, many a riddle is solved and weighted dice are swiftly dealt with.

  • Steps: relax and gently notice what is grabbing your attention

  • move towards that thing

  • enjoy the feeling of that thing, be with it

  • see what catches your eye (body) next. **example below

The good books call it following what’s flirting with you. This activity pushes you out of your normal relating function and into a much bigger world. This is a more visceral world and for all sorts of good reasons, this removes a lot of angst. After the angst is removed, this process will reveal astonishing connections, like, how to go from snakes tails to ladders. Serious, help couldn’t be more literally in your hands.

** ready? im seated at the kitchen table. in front of me is a big window. i feel like looking up at it. i notice the slats of the window blind, in particular the light that is falling onto the wooden slats. i lean towards the slats, i breathe in deeply and lean a bit more. i’m still really interested in it so i keep looking at it. i go and put my hand on the slats, its warm and i notice that the window is warm, too. next i see that i’m looking out of the window towards some trees, my hand is warm, the window is like a heater and im breathing more deeply. i feel warm in my chest (which is close to the hot window). i vaguely gaze towards the trees and somewhere in my mind i decide i’m warm and supported. the end.

If I had started with a desire to hunt an answer, I would think about the question or what I felt like I needed, and then I would see what was flirting with me. I would know when to stop because I would get bored of the process; I’d probably snap out of the larger world, back into my little mind and focus on something pressing (like getting a drink or writing something). And then later the desire to continue the whole-body-being would hit me again or the answer I was hunting would appear in my mind. Its actually super simple if you can allow the oddness of the process not to frighten you. Go play with the whole world and your whole body, handsome as it is.

You may end up being flirted with by angels or spirits to help you or you may find yourself attracting a whole lot of attention from the Divine!


Its About the Decisions you Make About Yourself


Maties, There be Dragons